The Orderly Worship of a Mature Church

1 Corinthians 14:26-40

This sermon was prepared as an assignment for my Ecclesiology module within Reformation Seminary

A Mature Church is an Orderly Church

In 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, Paul teaches Christians 6 practical truths about the proper way for the church to gather in worship of God so that we can grow up into maturity through the edifying use of spiritual gifts and submission to God’s commands. 

  1. The Nature of their Gatherings (Bookend 1) v26

  2. Of Tongues v27-28

  3. Of Prophesy v29-33

  4. Of Women v34-35

  5. The Ignorance of Dissenters v36-38

  6. The Aim of their Worship (Bookend 2) v39-40


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