Press On!

Philippians 3:12-17

There are many pressures in this world that would seek to discourage or dissuade a believer from continuing on in the faith. In Philippians 3:12-16 Paul teaches us 2 truths about the Christian life, so that we may set our minds on the goal of eternal life and resurrection in Christ, and thus live in such a way as to glorify Christ, no matter the opposition or the cost. 

  1. The Prize & The Goal (v12-14)

    • The Christian presses on to lay hold of the resurrection and eternal life so as to make it their own because Christ made them his own.

    • The Christian Strives for the Goal and Prize of God’s divine call of salvation in Christ Jesus

  2. The Mind of a Mature Christian (v15-16)

    • Pressing on is the mature way of thinking for all Christians

    • The Word of God directs us to crucify the flesh and not boast in the marks of self-righteousness (i.e. circumcision)

Sermon preached at Covenant Heritage Reformed Church in Hampton, VA on November 6, 2022


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