The Hospitable Bride

โ€œDo not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.โ€
— Hebrews 13:2
A Story I Love To Tell
The Hospitable Bride The Hospitable Bride

A Story I Love To Tell

Saturday night into Sunday morning, I had some very intense Braxton Hicks. They came and went, and for about an hour or two they felt like the real deal. Around 4, my heartburn became so intense that it made me sick, so I sat in the tub and tried to relax. After that, our 3-year-old woke up and she wanted to hang out with us. So we hung out. We had carrots and fruit leather and water. I was finally falling asleep. So my husband took our daughter to make pancakes, so I could sleep and rest. So here is one of my favorite stories to tell. 

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Follow me on Instagram @thehospitablebride