A Message to Graduates
What drives the heart of a Christian? What comfort or assurance can be given to high schoolers about to leave the safety of their hometown, and suddenly be immersed in the free-for-all of college life? Addressing the high school graduates and congregation of Compass Community Church, Pastor Seth Dean answers this question in light of the Apostle Peter's statements in the 3rd chapter of his first epistle. In order to stand firm in the face of violent trials and persecutions - even the jeering of fellow students for trusting in Christ - a Christian must honor Jesus Christ as Lord.
Life in Christ
In this world we are beset by problems of all kinds. From relationship issues, to identity issues, to struggles with anxiety and depression. What hope does the Christian have that the world doesn’t? In Christ alone the Christian finds joy, peace, and security in all circumstances of life.
The Orderly Worship of a Mature Church
A Mature Church is an Orderly Church
In 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, Paul teaches Christians 6 practical truths about the proper way for the church to gather in worship of God so that we can grow up into maturity through the edifying use of spiritual gifts and submission to God’s commands.
The Exceptional Minister
The church always needs qualified pastors, but sometimes they are given exceptional men.
In Philippians 2:19-24, Paul shows us the qualities he requires of a man that he considers exceptionally qualified to minister to the needs of the church, and he shows us this example in the person of Timothy.