Christ Is King;
The CHurch His Bride.

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
— Revelation 21:2

About us

The Battle and The Bride began as a ministry concept between husband and wife, Seth and Kassaundra Dean, as a way to minister to couples in need of Biblical resources for navigating marriage, womanhood, and masculinity. Over time, as their family grew and circumstances changed, it has become a blog and podcast where theological concepts can be found, sermons can be preached, and special projects have been launched, such as the Doctrines of Grains podcast.

The name, The Battle and The Bride, comes from the concept that the church is both the Bride of Christ and a militant body of believers who engage in physical, spiritual, and cultural warfare to further the dominion mandate in the Great Commission. It also embodies the roles that a man and a woman are given by God in a marriage. The man being given the task to be the leader, the protector, and the provider while the woman is given to be his helper on this mission.

At the end of the day, our desire is to see God glorified and the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed in order for his Church to be better equipped to make the world Christian.

We hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, and the Westminster and Heidelberg Catechisms, most notably.