The Doctrines of Grains season 1 finale is one for the books with our first guest ever, Ben Garrett. Ben is a deacon at Refuge Church in Ogden, Utah, and co-hosts the Haunted Cosmos podcast with his friend and pastor, Brian Sauve. In season 1, we’ve talked a lot about feasting in many forms, and Ben jumped on to help us understand how to take that Biblical concept and apply it to almost every aspect of our life. And he brought some napalm-level truth bombs that you don’t want to miss!
A Message to Graduates
What drives the heart of a Christian? What comfort or assurance can be given to high schoolers about to leave the safety of their hometown, and suddenly be immersed in the free-for-all of college life? Addressing the high school graduates and congregation of Compass Community Church, Pastor Seth Dean answers this question in light of the Apostle Peter's statements in the 3rd chapter of his first epistle. In order to stand firm in the face of violent trials and persecutions - even the jeering of fellow students for trusting in Christ - a Christian must honor Jesus Christ as Lord.
First Shot of the Institutes
Many Christians call themselves Reformed. At the foundation of Reformation thinking lies John Calvin’s mighty work, The Institutes of the Christian Religion. However, few people nowadays have read this weighty tome. Instead of relying on the word of others, we are embarking on the great journey of working through it piece by piece, chapter by chapter, and we’re inviting you to join us!
Doctrines of Grains
In this first episode, Seth and Cole review Tradition Brewing Co's Continental Divide Double IPA while discussing what happened in their lives to draw them both (reluctantly) to Reformed Theology and ultimately Calvinism.