The Citizen Christian

Philippians 3:17-4:1

DISCLAIMER: I know that today is the first Sunday of Advent. However, this sermon was preached two weeks ago, and never posted due to my travels and graduation. There will be Advent/Christmas posts in the coming weeks.


Many people have said that the book of Philippians is all about suffering. I’ve thought that, too, seeing a pattern of his declarations to rejoice even in the midst of trials. However, as I have continued to study it each week, I have realized that this is only an extension of what Paul had in mind. Paul’s letter to the Philippians isn’t only about rejoicing in suffering. It is about living. It is about living like a true Christian.

MAIN IDEA: This life is not the end for us. Yet while we have it, we must live it for Christ. 

In Philippians 3:17-4:1 Paul contrasts two different groups of people: the Citizens of Heaven and the Enemies of the Cross of Christ. He does this in order to show the dangers of hell and our hope of resurrection and eternal glory in Christ Jesus our Lord.


  1. The Pattern of Paul (v17)

  2. The Enemies of the Cross (v18-19)

  3. The Heavenly Hope of the Citizen Christian (v20-21)

  4. Stand Fast in Christ (v4:1)

Sermon preached at Covenant Heritage Reformed Church in Hampton Virginia on November 13, 2022


Christ: The Blessing to the nations


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