Christ: The Seafaring Conqueror
Many fierce mariners have braved the high seas through the millennia for God, Gold, and Glory. Combatting foes or combatting torrential waves, no man has conquered that vast frontier which covers 80% of the world’s surface; that is, except one man: The God-man, Christ Jesus- Our King and Savior.
Giving & Receiving
Money is a tool that God gives us to accomplish his will. However, if not thought of properly, it may cause us anxiety. If the Christian can think properly about who God is and who they are in Christ, it will bring them peace as they make decisions about giving and receiving.
Heavenly Thinking & Holy Living
The Christian who sets their mind upon Christ, will live as a Christian should live, becoming an example of Christ to all. In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul reiterates two truths that reinforce the reality that the way a Christian thinks will inform the way a Christian acts, so that we can think rightly and live righteously, in unity, to the glory of God.
Life in Christ
In this world we are beset by problems of all kinds. From relationship issues, to identity issues, to struggles with anxiety and depression. What hope does the Christian have that the world doesn’t? In Christ alone the Christian finds joy, peace, and security in all circumstances of life.