The Orderly Worship of a Mature Church
A Mature Church is an Orderly Church
In 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, Paul teaches Christians 6 practical truths about the proper way for the church to gather in worship of God so that we can grow up into maturity through the edifying use of spiritual gifts and submission to God’s commands.
To Gain Christ
In order to know God and obtain His righteousness, you must forsake your vainglorious deeds of self-righteousness so that you can gain Christ.
The strength of the ministry of the church lies in the strength of the men that lead her, so then the leaders that the Church should esteem are the ones willing to live, work, and die for Christ. We’ll see this exemplified in Paul’s short account of Epaphroditus.
There is One Gospel
There is only one true Gospel that always points us to the Lord Jesus and any other Gospel guides men to hell.