The Proclamation

Luke 4:14-21

As I’m preparing this sermon, it is the Advent season. At this time, we celebrate the incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We find ourselves reading often from the book of Luke. If you’ve grown up in the church, then much of the first chapters have probably been committed in some way to memory. And when passages become familiar on an extremely basic level, we can fall into the error of tuning out when the matter is preached on again. And when that happens, even if we’re reading it for ourselves, we will overlook monumental truths that have been purposely written into the text by the writers through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We miss key plot points because we suddenly think we’re just taking in information. Instead, the Lord has given writers, such as Luke (Paul’s physician, and missionary companion), the ability to explain life-changing truths in distilled and impactful ways, so that we can live in them. This passage is one such passage, and it is so impactful because it conveys an earth-shattering declaration by Jesus and builds upon themes and ideas that were already laid down in the previous chapters. What is that earth-shattering truth?

MAIN IDEA: Jesus is the Christ.

In Luke 4:14-21, Luke teaches us the incredible manner in which Jesus announced to his hometown the truth that he is the Anointed One of God, so that we, too, can be sure of his appearing and bold in declaring him to all as the Christ.

I. The Power of the Spirit (v14-17)
II. The Anointed Ministry of the Messiah in a Favorable Year (v18-20)
III. The Proclamation (v21)

Sermon prepared as part of my Reformation Seminary requirements. Recorded and preached on 12/28/2022


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