Heavenly Thinking & Holy Living
The Christian who sets their mind upon Christ, will live as a Christian should live, becoming an example of Christ to all. In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul reiterates two truths that reinforce the reality that the way a Christian thinks will inform the way a Christian acts, so that we can think rightly and live righteously, in unity, to the glory of God.
Life in Christ
In this world we are beset by problems of all kinds. From relationship issues, to identity issues, to struggles with anxiety and depression. What hope does the Christian have that the world doesn’t? In Christ alone the Christian finds joy, peace, and security in all circumstances of life.
Work, Grow, Rejoice
God empowers the humble Christian to desire and accomplish his will, even while living among manifold temptations, and He enables us to rejoice while doing it. In Philippians 2:12-16, Paul teaches us that Christians who maintain an attitude of humility, will be empowered by God to rejoice while living obedient and godly lives in the midst of temptations and sufferings. First we will see the transformed will, then we will see how that affects our growth in godliness, and then we will finally see the Christian's ability to rejoice in the work - in the midst of running and laboring.
Suffering For Christ
Though Our Hearts Be in Heaven, Our Hands Must Be at Work
In Philippians 1:19-30, Paul Teaches 5 Truths About a Christian’s Sufferings in Order for Us to Be Hopeful, Fruitful, and Courageous in the Midst of Trials and Persecutions.