Giving & Receiving
Money is a tool that God gives us to accomplish his will. However, if not thought of properly, it may cause us anxiety. If the Christian can think properly about who God is and who they are in Christ, it will bring them peace as they make decisions about giving and receiving.
Heavenly Thinking & Holy Living
The Christian who sets their mind upon Christ, will live as a Christian should live, becoming an example of Christ to all. In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul reiterates two truths that reinforce the reality that the way a Christian thinks will inform the way a Christian acts, so that we can think rightly and live righteously, in unity, to the glory of God.
Christ: The Promise Revealed
Merry Christmas! The King is born! Long live the King! This Advent season, we’ve looked at several Old Testament promises that God laid down centuries before the birth of Christ. On this Christmas Day, we look at the culmination of all those promises in the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Christ: The Promised King
Merry Christmas! As we celebrate Christmas, we join with the angels in the sky declaring, “Glory to the newborn king!” But is this a new concept found only in the New Testament? Or does it have its roots planted deep throughout the entire Bible? Come and see!